пятница, 4 июня 2010 г.

#Skincare & Lifestyle

#Skincare & Lifestyle

I confess! There’s something a little indulgent about receiving a beautifully packaged box each month filled with unknown skincare/cosmetic treats inside! From dabbling with the Look Fantastic box last year, I decided to suck it up and renew the subscription! Why? Because I really liked the mix, from really well-known names to the smaller & … Continue reading

Do you observe how each year seems to pass that little bit faster? But yet, when it does come to the end of the year, is it just me? Or do you feel the magic too? We all seem to reflect a bit more? Take note of the little things & generally think about each other in greater detail than usual? Hopefully you had some free time to relax & enjoy it all too?

Have you heard off, or ever considered writing a #gratitude list?

I know, this can seem a strange & airy notion? Yet, should you do it for a while really there can be quite a profound shift in perspective! There’s much beauty & wonder in world we live in right? By taking just a few minutes out, each day to sit in quiet reflection & feel appreciation for these simple things, I observe that it has quite a powerful impact.

#30daygratitude challenge are you up for it? This seemed an interesting and positive idea so, I committed myself to the task, are you with me?!

Every day, for 30 days the idea is to write down morning & evenings; ideally before the day truly starts & before bed time (when the mind is winding down). Start by writing a list (paper or digitally). Covering 3 – 5 things we are grateful for. E.G. This can be something as small as the fact that the sky is blue! Or that we have a roof over our heads, where so many don’t! Whatever makes that list, we must make sure that we genuinely feel appreciation & gratitude for these things. As well as thinking about why? Once complete read over each item and say out loud thank you, three times!


TIMINGS: The timing is important here and what I’m learning is that by doing this first & last thing each day is that; it’s like a re-setting for the mind! My general perspective has shifted to the more optimistic. As a result, it’s almost as if the world around is strangely opening up and receiving me in a different way? Just the other morning for example; on my commute (usually never a source of joy!). Despite the jam packed carriage & over crowded scenario even in that moment what I experienced was simple & genuine kindness from others, to make it all that bit more bearable! This actually really threw me off a bit! As usually, this never happens! Was it as a result of me perceiving the situation in a different light? Alas, there’s another point for my list that night! It’s all about taking note of the little things! There truly are so many, we can and really should be grateful for! however, sometimes we just need a bit of a push & re-open our eyes a bit to stop & fully appreciate it all! When we do, it’s amazing!… I can’t even fully explain this so you will have to trust me by trying & then feeling this one for yourselves!

SO ARE YOU GAME? Every day for the next 30 days will you try this? From my experience… ”I find myself less likely to react to the trivial dramas that crop up daily! My perspective has turned & is rooting itself to a different place, the place that brings me joy rather than annoyance!” Why waste our energy on the negative when there’s just so many things to be appreciative of? I conclude bad things will always happen, yet regardless! How we react I find is in many ways a matter of perspective! Signing out!


#gratitude #dailyhabits #simplethings #mindful #reminders #weliveinabeautifulworld #kindness #appreciation

Original article and pictures take rowisbox.files.wordpress.com site

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