четверг, 18 апреля 2013 г.

Fight Wrinkles with Homemade Vitamin C Serum

Fight Wrinkles with Homemade Vitamin C Serum

Even some of my closest friends call me a dreamer and an incurable optimist, but this is the kind of tag that I would gladly wear. One reason for why they have this opinion about me is that I never miss an opportunity to check out a do-it-yourself remedy.

While I’ve had my share of disappointments, overall I think that it’s well worth it to give these homemade products a chance, especially when you can hope to come up with a better thing than what money can buy.

diy vitamin C serum

In today’s world where everyone seems to be dashing around doing errands as well as attending appointments or meetings, it is a common thing that chronic stress is bound to happen. No wonder, topical anti-aging cream businesses are booming these days.

The assurance of looking youthful not having to succumb to treatments that plump and perhaps freeze your face into soul-numbing submission is irresistible to many both males and females (which includes me).

Favorite Beauty Regimen:

One beauty regimen that I could not live without is applying vitamin C serum, but it costs me an arm and a leg to buy this product. We have heard about the remarkable discoveries about the power of vitamin C, which is great for stimulating collagen production to even out the skin tone, help minimize fine lines and scars as well as protect the skin against UV damage.

Vitamin C serum is something that I keep at the top of the list of personal achievements because I started from scrap and successfully followed indications. The idea is to improve your skin firmness and to achieve the ideal color, even if you are usually struggling with pigmentation problems. Isn’t it amazing when nature just works? Well, not that fast.

Here’s the Covert in most Serum that we buy from Stores

Once vitamin C is added, it becomes inactive or unstable unless it is in its powder form. These forms of vitamin C are dormant and do not activate until assimilated by the skin. As a consequence, they do not break down and become unstable or inactive before you use it.

So our job is to apply vitamin C to our skin in its powder form as soon as we can so you need to come up with a solution by doing your DIY anti-aging vitamin C serum.

You’ll Need:

  • 1 tsp vitamin C powder (L-Ascorbic Acid)
  • 1 tsp distilled water (to dissolve the powder)
  • 1 tsp vegetable glycerin – this is a perfect base for serums that leaves your skin soft and glowing.
  • dark colored bottle container to store (Vitamin C oxidizes easily) or a contact lens/small lip balm container

homemade vitamin C serum

DIY vitamin C serum


① In a small container, simply mix 1 tsp of vitamin C powder with 1 tsp of distilled water and mash it down to get the lump out of it.

② You need the vitamin C powder to dissolve completely before adding anything to it (you do not want to end up with a grainy serum).

③ After that, add 1 tsp of vegetable glycerin and it is ready to use.

④ Transfer the mixture to a dark bottle container or a lip balm container (I used the contact lens container here) and store it in a dark place.

One Useful Tip:

Vitamin C serum needs to be fresh (I would say, the one that would last for 3 days or a week at least) so it must be in its active form to reap the benefits.

How to Use It:

I typically just make half of the lip balm part and use it up quickly.

① I just scoop it with my hands and apply it straight to my face, neck and décolleté.

② You can use a serum bottle with a dropper for easy use and finish it up within a week, or you can just put it in an empty lip balm container for daily use.

③ If you are satisfied with the result, use it twice a day.

Even if this remedy would be considerably more expensive, I would probably stick to it, but the truth is that the homemade Vitamin C serum is quite affordable to prepare.

Difference Between L-ascorbic Acid vs Ascorbic Acid :

Ascorbic acid can have L and D forms, L being the natural form and D the synthetic form. Few people know about the D-ascorbic acid because they don’t appear on labels and just being labeled as “ascorbic acid” itself.

When you see L-ascorbic acid on the label, it means that the Vitamin C came from natural sources like fruits and vegetable meaning, the Vitamin C from that particular product came from natural sources and they are not synthetic vitamins.

Regarding the meaning of “L,” it is specific to the shape of the molecular structure of Vitamin C which indicates the natural form of the compound.


This serum can cause redness and even a burning sensation if you have sensitive skin, so please use it with precaution by making a test patch on your skin before application.

Original article and pictures take beautytips4her.com site

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